
Assumed knowledge

This workbook assumes some fundamental knowledge.

If you feel that you are missing some of these fundamentals, you should spend some time now learning these fundamentals.

I will assume the following:

  • You can use a terminal, shell or console window in your operating system to:

    • Type commands

    • Change and create directories (cd, mkdir)

    • Delete and move files (rm, mv)

    • Identify the current directory (pwd)

    • Download and install software on your computer

  • You can edit text files using an editor or IDE (I recommend using Visual Studio Code)

  • You are comfortable programming in at least one programming language. For example, you should be able to solve the “text in a frame” problem on your own, without looking at a solution, in at least one programming language.

Exercise: Text in a frame

Write a function that takes a list of strings and prints them, one per line, in a rectangular frame. For example the list ["Hello", "World", "in", "a", "frame"] gets printed as: [1]

* Hello *
* World *
* in    *
* a     *
* frame *

1. This problem is by Adrian Neumann.