

TypeScript is a popular extension of JavaScript. Microsoft developed TypeScript as a way to reduce common errors in JavaScript programming. These benefits have seen achieve widespread adoption in many web projects.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript: it adds features to eliminate some of the most common complaints about the language. Because TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, every JavaScript program is already a TypeScript program. You can rename all your .js files into .ts files and then claim you have a TypeScript project!

The benefits of TypeScript come from adding type annotations to code.

For example, in ordinary JavaScript, this is legal code even though it does not make sense to add $7.50 in shipping fees to the string 'Hello':

function addShippingFees(total) {
    return total + 7.5; // Shipping costs $7.50

// This doesn't make sense, but it is valid JavaScript

TypeScript lets developers add type annotations to help detect common problems. In the following code, TypeScript will report a compile error (Argument of type '"Hello"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.):

function addShippingFees(total : number) {
    return total + 7.5; // Shipping costs $7.50

// TypeScript detects a problem here:
// 'Hello' is not valid: it is not a number

The type annotations create additional short-term work for developers, but they bring greater simplicity to code. Types can exclude complex interactions from the language. For example, there is less concern for the complex rules for adding strings and numbers (the + operator) because type annotations can prevent such code from even compiling.

Newly created Angular projects use TypeScript by default. It is also possible to create a new React project using TypeScript. In fact, you can use the TypeScript compiler to replace any JavaScript code with TypeScript. The compiler translates TypeScript code into ordinary JavaScript: use the command npx tsc after installing TypeScript (npm install typescript).

The disadvantage to TypeScript is that it is less forgiving of errors and so less ‘beginner-friendly’ for new programmers. If you are new to JavaScript, I recommend adding types to your code with TypeScript after you feel confident in JavaScript. However, once you’ve gained confidence in JavaScript, switching to TypeScript can help uncover difficult-to-find bugs.

Reflection: Common errors

When you spend time developing in JavaScript (without TypeScript), note to yourself how many times you mix up types:

  • Passing parameters to functions in the incorrect order

  • Forgetting to set the correct keys on objects (or misspelling keys)

  • Passing incorrect parameter types to functions (e.g., number in place of string)

  • Accidentally passing null or undefined values to functions that do not support those values

Exercise: TypeScript compiler

Create a simple project with TypeScript:

  1. Use npm init to create a new project

  2. Use npm install typescript to install TypeScript into node_modules

  3. Create a file index.ts containing the addShippingFees example:

    function addShippingFees(total : number) {
        return total + 7.5; // Shipping costs $7.50
    // TypeScript detects a problem here:
    // 'Hello' is not valid: it is not a number
  4. Compile index.ts into index.js using the command npx tsc index.ts (a compile error occurs)

  5. Fix the compile error by replacing 'Hello' with a number

  6. Compile again and view the file index.js

Exercise: TypeScript compatibility

TypeScript will compile modern JavaScript features into backward-compatible JavaScript that runs on old browsers.

  1. Add a class definition to index.ts

  2. Compile the TypeScript into JavaScript using npx tsc index.ts

  3. Examine how TypeScript compiles a class into ordinary JavaScript.